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The 家庭教育权利 and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights 世界杯滚球他们的教育记录.  学生享有FERPA权利 at the time of admission. These rights include:

1)   有权自学生入学之日起45日内对其教育记录进行检查和复核 特立尼达州立学院收到入学申请的那天.  A student should submit to the Office of Registrar, a written request that identifies 学生希望查看的记录.  书记官长将作出安排 for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. 

2)   The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights.

希望要求世界杯滚球修改记录的学生应写信 the Registrar who will notify the college official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, and specify why it should be changed.  如果学院决定不按要求修改记录,学院将 will notify the student in writing of the decision and the student’s right to a hearing 世界杯滚球使用学生申诉程序sp4 -31提出的修改请求.  Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student 被告知有听证的权利.

3)   The right to provide written consent before Trinidad State College discloses personally identifiable information from the student's education records, except to the extent FERPA授权未经同意的披露.  允许未经同意披露的一个例外是向学院披露 officials 具有合法的教育利益.  A College official is a person employed by the College,  Colorado Community College System, or another CCCS College in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research or support staff position (including law en­forcement unit personnel and health staff); 学院与之签订合同的个人或公司,作为其代理,为学生提供教育服务 service instead of using college employees or officials (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the College Board; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance com­mittee, or assisting 另一名学校官员执行他或她的任务. 世界杯滚球 指定全国学生交流中心为学院官员.  大学官员有合法的教育利益 if the official needs to review an educa­tion record in order to fulfill his or her 学院的专业责任. 应要求,学院披露 教育记录,未经学生同意,给其他学校的官员,在 学生寻求或打算注册哪一种,或在注册后.

The college may share educational records to parents in the following circumstances: 对于一个在I下依赖的学生.R.S. tax code; a student under 21 years old who has violated a law or the school’s rules or policies governing alcohol or substance abuse; and when the information is needed to protect the health or safety of the student 或者其他紧急情况下的人.

截至2012年1月3日,美国财政部已宣布.S. 教育部的FERPA法规扩大了 the circumstances under which a student’s education record(s) and personally identifiable information (PII) contained in such records — including Social Security Number, grades, 或其他私人信息-可能在未经学生同意的情况下被访问. First, the U.S. 美国总审计长.S. Attorney General, the U.S. Secretary of Education, or state and local education authorities ("联邦和州当局") may allow access to student records and PII without student consent to any third party designated by a Federal or State Authority to evaluate a federal- or state-supported education program. 评估可能与任何“主要参与”的项目有关 the provision of education," such as early childhood education and job training, as 以及任何由教育机构或机构管理的课程. Second, 联邦和州当局 may allow access to student education records and PII without student consent to researchers performing certain types of studies, in certain 即使我们反对或不要求进行此类研究. 联邦和州当局 must obtain certain use-restriction and data security promises from the entities that they authorize to receive student PII, but the Authorities need not maintain direct 对这些实体的控制. 此外,在与全国纵向 Data Systems, State Authorities may collect, compile, permanently retain, and share without student consent PII from student education records, and they may track student participation in education and other programs by linking such PII to other personal information about students that they obtain from other Federal or State data sources, including workforce development, unemployment insurance, child welfare, juvenile justice, 兵役,移民学生档案系统.

科罗拉多社区学院系统认为以下是 directory information 世界杯滚球可以在未经事先同意的情况下披露这些信息, to anyone inquiring in person, by phone, or in writing:  Student name; Major field of study;  Dates of student attendance;  Degrees / certificates, honors, and awards student has earned;  Most recent educational institution attended by the student; 入学情况(全日制、非全日制等.),照片,正式参加 recognized activities and sports; and if participating in an officially recognized 活动或运动,身高,体重,高中就读.

Physical Addresses are considered PII and are not released as directory information 但这些资料可能会被释放作以下有限用途:

  • Graduation lists released to news media, which may include the student’s city of residence only,
  • 其他向新闻媒体和学院工作人员颁发的特别奖、荣誉; and events,
  • 通知Phi Theta Kappa荣誉协会有资格的学生 考虑入会,
  • As may be needed by cash management service providers engaged by CCCS or the Colleges 处理学生退款,或
  • To institutions who have a written agreement with the CCCS System Office or Trinidad 州立大学的早期建议,奖学金或录取考虑. Credit 释放的学时门槛可由全系统或个别学院规定 agreements.

Email Addresses are considered PII and are not released as directory information except 有关资料可作下列有限用途:

  • 通知Phi Theta Kappa荣誉协会有资格的学生 考虑入会,
  • As may be needed by cash management service providers engaged by the CCCS System Office 或特立尼达州立学院处理学生退款,或
  • 与CCCS系统签订书面协议的机构或CCCS学院 早期建议、奖学金或录取考虑. 学时门槛 释放可以在全系统或个别学院协议中规定.

Phone numbers (including type) Date of Birth, Race/Ethnicity, and GPA are considered PII和不作为目录信息发布,除了以下限制 purpose:

  • To institutions who have a written agreement with the CCCS System Office or Trinidad 州立大学的早期建议,奖学金或录取考虑. Credit 释放的学时门槛可由全系统或个别学院规定 agreements.

此外,姓名,地址,大学发布的电子邮件地址,电话号码,日期和 place of birth, level of education, most recently attended college, field of study, and degree(s) received of students may be released to military recruiters upon request 根据《世界杯滚球》.  所有其他信息包含在学生 records is considered private and not open to the public without the student’s written consent. 不希望自己的学籍/世界杯滚球被公布的学生 派对或不想被列入学院在线电子目录的学生 should complete a form to suppress directory information available online or at the Registrar’s Office or Office of Admissions and Records by the first day of the semester.

CCCS,其学院或任何指定为学院官员的实体都不会 release Directory Information to any financial institution requesting data for credit card marketing purposes, nor to any database service, data aggregator, or requestor who maintains a list for the sole purpose of selling data for profit and/or marketing purposes.

4) 向美国政府提出申诉的权利.S. 教育部有关指称 学院未能遵守FERPA的要求.  管理FERPA的办公室的名称和地址是:

U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW