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Educational and Administrative Support Unit Assessment

Educational and Administrative Support Unit Assessment

While the primary focus of assessment for the improvement of student learning remains upon Trinidad State College's instructional programs, Educational and Administrative Support Units are also included in order to have a comprehensive institutional effectiveness program. In these units, measurement of outcomes and goals predominantly focus on:

  • Student, customer, employer, constituent satisfaction
  • Direct measures of unit performance or levels of service (efficiency & effectiveness)
  • Ability of student or client after receiving service
  • Validation of services by external reviews

After conducting assessment activities in Educational and Administrative Support Units, each unit uses the results to improve its services to students or other clientele (including TSC staff as customers). The use of assessment results is not only important to improving services, it is also vital to document how TSC is accomplishing its Strategic Goals and Mission.

Educational and Administrative Support Unit Assessment Cycle

Assessement 01 image

Assessement 02 image

Educational Support Units

TSC’s Educational Support Units are those which are not primarily instructional by nature, but contribute directly to student learning or instruction.

Educational Support Units include:

  • Admissions
  • Advising
  • Financial Aid
  • Housing
  • Job Placement
  • New Student Orientation
  • Recruiting
  • Registrar
  • Retention
  • Special Populations
  • Student Life

In Summer 2012, Student Affairs developed and internally adopted a comprehensive assessment plan. 

Other Educational Support Unit Planning:

  • Student Services Recruitment Plan
  • Default Prevention Plan

Administrative Support Units

TSC’s Administrative Support Units provide services which maintain the institution and are essential to its operations, but do not directly impact the college’s instructional programs.

Administrative Support Units Include:

  • Bookstore
  • Human Resources
  • Controller
  • Payroll/Benefits
  • Mailroom
  • Accounting
  • IT
  • Physical Plant
  • Purchasing
  • Facilities Planning
  • Marketing
  • TSC Foundation

Other Administrative Support Unit Planning:

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